Pokemon Frozen White 2

I just beat Pokemon Black today, and it was awesome! But the game left a lot of the story open for the sequel, and I didn't ''have'' the sequel, Black 2 or White 2. Wanting to continue the story, I headed off to my local Exchange.
When I got there, I searched the display cases for Pokemon games. They didn't have Black 2, but they did have White 2, and it was only twenty-five dollars! That's cheap for a Pokemon game. I bought it immediately and went home to play.
Upon starting the game up, I noticed that my DS Lite felt a little colder in my hands. I didn't mind, though, since it was a hot summer day anyway. I watched the intro, and then I noticed something else odd. Instead of White 2, the logo said Frozen White 2! This wasn't the name of any Pokemon game I knew of, so it must be a hack.
So I took it back to the store and got a refund. I bought a real copy of White 2 the next day.